Creative solutions. Faster.
At Faster IT we provide a solution to any business or IT issue our customers face. We consult in IT strategy, IT organization and IT architecture to define functional, fast and secure solutions. We implement them for our customers if they want to ensure an optimal and timely delivery or we educate internal IT organizations on modern development practices on the job, right while they build an awesome product. And if you run into operational issues or need to reduce the cost of purchasing, talk to us, we have solutions that can help you and work with some of the best IT companies on the planet. Thus we can deliver full stack solutions faster.
Faster IT advantage
Faster IT provides a holistic approach to IT. We consult CxOs on optimal IT organization and explain the security architecture concisely in the board room. But we can just as well implement that same architecture from the network level up via hardening operating systems and backend infrastructure to securing business applications. And we can audit what your suppliers are delivering. With Faster IT you need not decide up front what the solutions to your business and IT challenges are. We help you find the best approaches to tackle them with your internal IT units and with your existing supplier base.

Business consulting
IT can only be efficient if the business functions are well set up to use IT. Therefore we have developed methods and tools to define business and IT strategies in conjunction. Our customers align their organizations with their strategic goals and initiatives and thus reduce the potential for friction proactively. We help our customers with setting clear targets and managing the organization to achieve and exceed the targets. Faster IT has unique workshops that bring teams together and homogenize organizations. We run cost analysis without creating huge workloads for already thinly staffed functions. We measure the success of our customers' initiative neutrally and transparently to ensure trust between units of the organization is maintained and a fair assignment of benefits is guaranteed. The Faster IT staff has a wide background in innovation management. So everything we do drives innovation within our customers. We help setup and maintain innovation programs and project portfolios. And we provide a clear strategic view of the future of business processes we work in for decades and of the trends in IT that shape these.

IT consulting
Faster IT provides IT Consulting from IT strategy to IT architecture definition, from requirements engineering to quality management. We have associates that can size the infrastructure for a on-premise deployment just as much as they can provide an expert assessment on the firewall ruleset. Due to this breadth of know-how we can consult with unparalleled speed and reliability. And still in IT there is no single entity that can do everything. Thus we have an extensive network of partners comprising the best talent pool in the industry. Whatever IT issue arises, we have an expert in our network that can solve it. Fast and efficient.

IT development
We live by the motto “aim for implementation because it's harder to do”. So when we recommend a solution, design an IT architecture or draft a security policy, we are always available to implement the recommendations as well. We also “save” projects: When things fall apart – for whatever reason – Faster IT associates can assess the issues down to data models, APIs and specific implementations details. And we can recommend or implement fixes depending on our customers' project setup.

Custom solutions / products
Some things we just prefer to do ourselves. When we want to guarantee the integrity and reliability of a full stack solution, we sometimes feel the need to assemble the hardware ourselves. And then we flash each component to a certified firmware level. We have a strong preference for open source products where deployments are very security critical or central to a business process that is strictly time-bound. That way we can analyze the code and – when necessary – provide fixes ourselves. We are Debian Developers and prefer to build solutions on this Linux distribution and other Free software. We have ready-to-run products available for group collaboration, branch office connectivity (networking and data replication) and backup / restore.

IT purchasing
Even though we generally like open source software, we always recommend the best-in-breed solution depending on our customer needs. In the office environment this often means Microsoft Office and in the creative space Adobe Creative Cloud. Faster IT is a (certified) partner of both. Our connections in the IT industry also give us a great overview about purchasing patterns and prices. We put this know-how to use for our customers and help them improve their IT purchasing either through consulting or through supplying hard- and software as part of bigger deployment projects. We're on top of the market. Always. E.g. SSL certificates are now free thanks to Let's encrypt. We can help you automate deployments. Both for public use (Internet) and for your internal applications as a private Certificate Authority (CA). We enable enhanced protection of your most valuable business data.

Wow, you are still reading? Thank you very much! This is impressive. We actually only made this hip, responsive, single page app to show that we can. We would usually aim for a bit less bandwidth use. This beast is ~2.8MB to load. You can still get to know us a bit better, if you want to. We are fun to work with and infinitely flexible. We always find a solution. Promise! Browse through some tidbids which are typical for the way we think and the way we work: